Academic Publication
Crooks, V. C., Lubben, J., Petitti, D. B., Little, D., & Chiu, V. (2008)
American Journal of Public Health, 98(7), 1221–1227.
Academic Publication
Andrew, M. K., & Rockwood, K.(2010)
Alzheimers & Dementia
Academic Publication
Carstensen, L. L. (2011)
Psychology and aging
Academic Publication
Chopik, W. J. (2018)
Frontiers in psychology
Academic Publication
Heese, K. (2015, March 20)
Academic Publication
Levy, B. R. (2018)
Academic Publication
Flamion, A. (2017, December 19)
Child Development
Case Study
With support from Linked Senior, Acts Retirement-Life Communities averages 52 minutes of resident engagement per day, more than 2x the national average.
Case Study
Silver Bluff Village started using Linked Senior in January 2018. Since that time, they have used this digital engagement platform to enhance person-centered care.
Educational How-To
A person may refuse to take a shower or bath and/or decline assistance with personal care activities.
Educational How-To
Resident frequently and consistently expresses delusional, persistent, and incorrect beliefs.
Educational How-To
Resident seems unable to sit still for long periods of time, or to pay attention to activities they are participating in.