
At Linked Senior, we are committed to helping you engage your residents so they can find purpose everyday. As the COVID-19 situation unfolds, we understand that you are facing an unprecedented time of uncertainty and that one of your top priorities right now is to continue to provide meaningful engagement opportunities for residents in your care.

It is our top priority to support each of you in the coming days and weeks with free tools and resources to help your Activity and Engagement Professionals. We will be using #ActivitiesStrong to share resources and updates each day on our social media feeds.

Please use the resources below and share widely with your networks:

View the recording of our webinar from Tuesday, January 4th featuring Linked Senior CEO and Co-founder Charles de Vilmorin about the State of Resident Engagement in 2022.

Read this tip sheet for cleaning technology devices between uses as you begin to increase your use of digital engagement with residents.

Visit our new Resource Library to find specific tools and guides to help you continue to provide meaningful engagement to residents in your communities during this time.


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